Friday, October 25, 2019

Tips for a successful encore hustle - Hustler Daily Thumbs Up - October 25

Hello fellow Encore Hustlers

Side hustles are officially a cross generational phenomena.  Odd are if you don't have a side hustle then you know someone will have one.

This article, which focuses on millennial side hustlers, finds that the average side hustler makes over $1200 a month by working about 17 hours a week.  Think what you could do with amount of extra cash coming in every month?

The article also has some great points to consider when you are planning your encore hustle:

  • Ensure it is something you enjoy
  • Focus on tasks that generate revenue
  • Build a strong social media presence
  • Set goals
  • Leverage word-of-mouth marketing
  • Network with other side hustlers
Mr. EH

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