Saturday, June 8, 2019

Finding the right side hustle for you - Hustler Daily Thumbs Up - May 7

Hello fellow Encore Hustlers

The side hustles and gigs have become embedded into our economy.  There are hundreds of gig economy websites that via for our attention.  The problem with so many to choose from, that sorting through them and determining which ones might be worth your time and effort becomes a job itself.

Wouldn't it great if someone had a website that rates side hustles?  It this interests you then I would recommend reading about Kathy Kristof and her website  Kristof is a contributing editor to Kiplinger"s Personnel Finance and she has spent the last three years writing and researching the slew of side hustle websites that we have come to think of as the gig economy.

Her site not only profiles the sites that we all know, Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, DoorDash and gives them a Husl$core but it also brings to our attention niche hustles that suit our interests and talents.  For example SideHusl profiles as site call WAHVE (Work-At-Home Vintage Experts) is looking for people in their 50's and 60's with accounting, insurance or human resource experience, who will match them with small companies that will accommodate their wish for flexible schedules and telecommuting. is a site that Mr. EH will definitely be checking out himself.

Mr. EH

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