Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Can catastrophes lead to an encore hustle? - Hustler Daily Thumbs Up - June 11

Hello fellow Encore Hustlers

Dealing with natural disasters has become an all to common occurrence for millions of Americans.  The last 12 months have seen massive fires in California, flooding and tornadoes in the mid-West, winter storms in the northeast and hurricanes in the south.

In the wake of these catastrophes we turn to FEMA and our insurance companies.  Unfortunatley, due to the strong job market means that FEMA and insurance companies do not have enough people to manage disaster recovery or to investigate property damage.  Please read the story about FEMA recruiting retirees to assist with the disastrous floods that Nebraska has been experiencing.  Also read this story that was published in MONEY magazine in 2017 about becoming an independent insurance  adjuster.

Hoping that you are disaster free,

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