Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Hustle High Five - Hustler News of the Week - February 15

Hello fellow Hustlers.

It has been a snowpocalypse here in the Pacific Northwest for the past week.  This has meant a week of late arrivals or early releases from work, and daily snow shoveling.  So it is a pleasure to take a break and to cobble together this weeks High Five.

1)  A favorite strategy of many encore hustlers is to "double dip", which means receiving a government pension while, at the same time, drawing a government salary.  Think of the millions of retired military, law enforcement or teachers, who after working long enough to qualify for a pension then find employment in another sector of the public sphere.  Apparently double dipping is frowned upon by many government agencies as it gives the appearance of cheating the system.  Here are two stories from New Hampshire and Mississippi about this practice. The New Hampshire story features a Police Chief who became a County Sheriff.  The Mississippi story discusses the possibility of retired teachers who may not be able to draw their pensions if they are elected to the State Legislature.

2)  Check out this article about Alcona County, situated in the rural corner of the Upper Midwest.  It has one of the oldest populations in the U.S.  The median age in Alcona is 58, which is 20 years older than the median age of the country.  More than half of its residents are age 55 or older. With a dearth of younger workers many essential jobs in the county are held by seniors.  This trend can be viewed as a glimpse of what may happen to the rest of the country as it progressively gray's and follows in the footsteps of countries like Japan.

3)  It is tax filing season and for side hustlers it can be a particularly vexing task to summarize their various income streams.  Here is story from WRBC TV in Chattanooga, Tennessee that highlights several concerns for gig workers when it comes to tax filing.

4)  Creative and performing side hustles are popular amongst the encore hustle community.  Read about Robert Findley, a carpenter and part-time bluesman from Arkansas, who was "discovered" at age 64.  With the help of the non-profit Music Maker Relief Foundation, he was able to cut his first album Age Don't Mean A Thing in 2016.

5)  The Baby Boomer generation is behind the majority of recent small business startups.  This entrepreneurial movement has even coined the term greypreneur.  Check out this Infographic about the Rise of Greypreneurs and also this article from the Houston Chronicle about how the Federal Small Businesses Association ( can assist the senior entrepreneur.

Have a great week and happy hustling.


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